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jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015


# The name of the island is due to the presence of large colony of sea lions.
# El nombre de la isla se debe a la presencia de una gran colonia de los lobos marinos.
# The Isla de Lobos is a small island in the Atlantic Ocean.
# La isla de lobos es una pequena isla del Oceano Atlantico.
# In an area of the Atlantic Ocean almost immediately to the mouth  of the estuary of the River Plate.
# En una zona del oceano Atlantico casi inmediata a la desembocadura del estuario del Rio de La Plata.
# Administrative it belongs to the jurisdiction of the department of Maldonado.
# Administrativamente pertence a la juridiccion del departamento de Maldonado.
# The isla is located 8 nautical miles from Punta del Este.
# La isla esta ubicada a 8 millas nauticas de Punta del este.
# Only 45 minutes by boat.
# Solo a unos 45 minutos de navegacion.
# It has an area of 41 ha.
# Tiene una superficie de 41 ha.
# With 1.2 km long and 816 m wide.
# Con 1.2 km de largo y 816 metros de ancho.
# It is a rugged rock formation 26 m high at its most prominent part.
# Es una formacion rocosa escabrosa de 26 m de altura en su parte mas alta.
# Its shore are cliffs with little sand beaches.
# Sus orillas forman acantilados con escasas playas de arenas.
# It has fresh water springs and little vegetation, mainly grass.
# Posee manantiales de agua dulce y poca vegetacion principalmente pasto.
# The lighthouse was opened in 1858.
# El faro fue inaugurado en 1858.
# And was rebuilt in 1907.
# Fue reconstruido en 1907.
# Which was released to the public service in 1932.
# Y es de servicio publico en el ano 1932.
# The lighthouse guides the navigation of vessels entering and leaving the Rio de la Plata (River plate).
# El faro guia la navegacion de los buques que ingresan y salen del Rio de la Plata.
# With it's 59 meters above sea level is one of the tallest lighthouses in the world.
# Con sus 59 metros sobre el nivel del mar es uno de los faros mas altos del mundo.
# Flashes once every 5 seconds which can see from a distance of about 40 kilometers.
# Emite un destellos cada 5 segundos que se ve a una distancia aproximada de 40 km.
# In July 2001 it became the "first unmanned lighthouse" of Uruguay, equipped with the technology of the 21st Century.
# En Julio del 2001 se convirtio en el "primer faro no tripulado" de Uruguay, dotado con la tecnologia del siglo XXI.
# The new equipment is powered by solar Energy panels that through it charge a battery pack, located in the same building of the lighthouse.
# El nuevo equipamiento se alimenta con energia solar a traves de paneles que cargan un conjunto de baterias, ubicados en la misma construccion del faro.
# It has a siren as an alternative to the days of fog.
# Posee una sirena como alternativa para los dias con mucha niebla.
# The Isla de Lobos (Wolf's Island) is a nature reserve.
# La Isla de Lobos es una Reserva Natural.
# In the island coexist the South American fur seal and the SouthAmerican sea lion.
# En la isla conviven el lobo fino,  (Arctocephalus australis) y el leon marino (Otaria flavescens).
# Also there can find killer whale and different types of birds.
# Tambien se pueden encontrar orcas y diferentes tipos de aves.
# It was discovered by Spanish explorer Juan Diaz de Solis in 1516.
# Fue descubierta por el navegante espanol Juan Diaz de Solis en 1516.
# Some crew landed on the beach to stock up on fresh water.
# Algunos tripulantes desembarcaron en la playa para abastecerse de agua dulce.
# And also to hunt 66 sea lions that were the only food on the return trip.
# Y tambien cazar 66 lobos marinos el unico alimento que tuvieron en el viaje de regreso.
# The skins were sold on the market in Seville, Spain.
# Las pieles fueron vendidas en el mercado de Sevilla, Espana.
# It was also visited by conqeros and scientists as Charles Darwin and Sebastian Cabot.
# Fue tambien visitada por conquistadores y cientificos como Sebastian Gaboto y Charles Darwin entre otros.
# In 1972 the Real Compania Maritima formally start the killing and slaughter of seals driven by the value of their skin.
# En el ano 1972 la Real compania Maritima inicio formalmente la matanza y faena de lobos marinos impulsados por el valor de su piel.
# Finally in 1990 the seals exploitation stopped in Uruguay,
# Finalmente en el ano 1990 se detuvo la explotacion lobera en Uruguay.
# Uruguayan state assumed an environmentalist attitude consciously setting an example worldwide.
# El estado uruguayo asumio conscientemente una actitud ambientalista dando un ejemplo a nivel mundial.
# Cutting human interaction with seal which led to a successful recovery.
# Cortando la interaccion humana con los lobos lo que llevo a una exitosa recuperacion.
# Of those sad days are only the stone corrals where they kept the seals before slaughter.
# De aquellos tristes dias solo quedan los corrales de piedra donde encerraban a los lobos antes de su matanza.
# At 22 pm on October 28, 1972.
# A las 22 horas del 28 de octubre de 1972.
# Five lighthouse workers were on the island.
# 5 trabajadores del faro se encontraban en la isla.
# That night after dinner, 4 of these officials went to play cards.
# Esa noche despues de cenar, 4 de estos funcionarios se fueron a jugar a las cartas.
# While the other went to check the engine power generators of  the lighthouse.
# Mientras que el otro se dirigio a revisar los motores generadores de energia del faro.
# When he left the building to the lighthouse saw that the night was full of stars and there was almost no wind.
# Cuando salio de la construccion hacia el faro vio que la noche estaba llena de estrellas y no habia casi viento.
# Suddenly saw an object on the roof of color copper and he did not know that is was.
# De repente vio en la azotea un objeto de color cobre que no supo lo que era.
# It had about 2 m high and 3 m long.
# Tenia aproximadamente 2 m de altura y 3 m de largo.
# In the middle of the object he saw as a ring of lights of different colors that they lit and turn off.
# En la parte media del objeto pudo ver como un anillo de luces de distintos colores que prendian y apagaban.
# To be alarmed by what he saw was to his bedroom to got his automatic pistol.
# Al alarmarse por lo que vio fue hasta su dormitorio para buscar su pistola automatica.
# Came out again and walked slowly toward the object.
# Salio otra vez y se acerco lentamente hacia el objeto.
# So he could see tree beings in this and one of them descended a ladder apparatus.
# Asi pudo ver que junto a este se encontraban tres seres y uno de ellos descendia por una escalera del aparato.
# Seeing this he moved more closer.
# Al ver esto se acerco aun mas.
# At all this the trees beings were almost glued together with each other.
# A todo esto los tres seres ya estaban juntos casi pegados uno con el otro.
# The height of these beings was approximately 1.40 m.
# La altura de estos seres era de aproximadamente de 1,40m de altura.
# He could not see his physical traits due to the darkness of the night.
# El no pudo ver sus rasgos fisicos debido a la oscuridad de la noche.
# But he had the feeling that he was being observed.
# Pero tuvo la sensacion de que lo estaban observando.
# This made him very nervous and  pulled the pin on his gun with the intention of shooting.
# Esto lo puso muy nervioso y le quito el seguro a su arma con la intencion de disparar.
# But something strange happened to him.
# Pero algo estrano le paso.
# He did know how or why at this point was paralyzed.
# No supo como ni por que en determinado momento quedo paralizado.
# Although he was aware that was point with his gun to the beings.
# Aunque estaba consciente que le estaba apuntando con su arma a los seres.
# Him can't fire.
# El no les pudo disparar.
# Meanwhile he saw as beings boarded the ship again.
# Entretanto el veia como los seres subian a la nave nuevamente.
# And once they were all in one door was closed and gently began to rise.
# Y una vez que estuvieron todos adentro se cerro una puerta y suavemente comenzo a elevarse.
# When it was suspended about 30 meters, the ship leaned and went quickly.
# Cuando estuvo suspendida a unos 30 metros de altura, la nave se inclino un poco y se fue rapidamente.
# The official throughout this observation did not hear any noise.
# El funcionario durante toda esta observacion no escucho ruido alguno.
# After that he regained his mobility and headed to the building where his companions were.
# Luego de esto el recupero su movilidad y se dirigio a la construccion donde estaban sus companeros.
# When him go inside, the other by the way in which he was, realized that something had happened.
# Cuando entro, los demas por la forma en que el se encontraba, se dieron cuenta que algo le habia pasado.
# Then he told them that he had seem a Ufo.
# Entonces el les dijo que habia visto un plato volador.
# All his companions went out to see if they watched something but could not see absolutely nothing.
# Todos sus companeros salieron afuera a ver si observaban algo pero no pudieron ver absolutamente nada.