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sábado, 17 de julio de 2021


Pyrrhura frontails chiripepe-


  Maroon-bellied paraket, triba de testa vermela

Este es un residente que nidifica en el Uruguay

This one is a resident that nest in Uruguay.

Estos habitan en el este del pais.

They live in country east.

Estos miden aproximadamente 27 cm de largo.

They are appproximately 27 cm long.

Su peso de adulto es entre 72 y 94 gr.

Its adult weights is between 72 and 94 gr.

Estos viven esntre 25 y 30 años-

They live between 25-30 years.

Se alimenta principalmente de frutas, semillas, larvas y insectos.

It feeds mainly on fruits, seeds, larvae and insects.

Tanto la shembras como los machos son iguales.

Both male and female are the same.

Estos anidan en los huecos de los arboles.

These nest in the hollows of the trees.

La hembra incuba sola durante aproximadamente 30 dias.

Female incubates alone for approximately 30 days.

Estos ponen entre 4 y 7 huevos.

These lay between 4 to 7 eggs.

La incubacion es de aproximadamente 22 dias.

Incubation is approximately 22 days.

Las crias abandonan el nido despues de aproximadamente 45 dias.

The young leave the nest after approxiamtely 45 days.

Estos habitan en palmares y monte natural.  

They live in palm groves and natural forests.

Existe una gran poblacion cautiva.

There is a large captive population.

Se adaptan facilmente al contacto humano y son faciles de domesticar.

They adapt easily to human contact and are easy to tame.

Estas aves viven en Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay y Uruguay-

These birds live in Brazil, Bolivia , Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay-

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