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martes, 15 de marzo de 2022



The Gaucho: The Legend Dog from Durazno, Uruguay--- El Gaucho: El Perro Leyenda de Durazno, Uruguay

 #  En la epoca de 1960  vivian en la localidad de Villa del Carmen, (localidad de Durazno, Uruguay),  un peon rural Facundo Ferro y su perro  amigo "el Gaucho".
# In the era of 1960 lived in the locality of Villa del Carmen, (Locality of Durazno, Uruguay) a rural laborer Facundo Ferro and his friend dog the gaucho. "The Cowman"
# Quizas era su unico amigo y quizas su unica familia, el que lo acompanaba en todos las tareas ruruales.
# Maybe  it was his only friend and maybe his only family, which accompanies him  in all rural tasks.

# Un dia se enferma y debe ser trasladado por un vecino en un viejo jeep a la ciudad de  Durazno para ser inernado en el Hospital Dr. Emilio Penza de una enfermedad grave.
# One day become ill, and him must be moved by a neighbor in an old jeep to the city of Durazno to be admitted to the hospital Dr. Emilio Penza by a serious illness.
# Fue entonces que el gaucho quedo solo y se largo a caminar por el camino que recorrio el auto que llevaba a a su amigo.
#Then  The gaucho "the Cowman" was left alone  and him star walk to the path that go  over  the car that carrying his friend.

# Recorrio mas de 50 kilometros de distancia, cruzando arroyos y banados hasta que llego al lugar donde se encontraba su amigo internado.
# Traveling more than 50 kilometers of distance, crossing streams and marshes until he reached the place where his friend was internee.
# Se quedo alli al lado de su cama acompanandolo mientras su amigo se debatia entre la vida  y la muerte. Muchas veces intentaron correrlo pero el regresaba.
# He stood there beside his bed accompanying  while his friends struggling between life and death.

# El personal del hospital lo dejaba quedarse alli, ya que el siempre pasaba desapercibido y dado el amor que le brindaba a su amigo les habia ganado su corazon.
# The hospital staff let him stay there, since he always went unnoticed and because of the love he had given to his friend him had won their hearts.
# Al tiempo de estar internado un dia de invierno don Ferro muere.
# At time to be internee in a winter day don Ferro die.
# El Gaucho en el momento de su muerte pego un aullido que hizo temblar todo el  hospital, mientras le lamia la mano tratando de reanimarlo.
# The gaucho at the time of his dead hit a howl that shook the entire hospital, while him lick his hand trying to revive him.
# Lo acompano en su velatorio y hasta el cementerio como hacen las personas cuando pierden a un familiar querido.
# Him acompannied in his wake and to the cemetery as people do when they lose a loved family.
# Mas de 30 dias se quedo al   lado de la tumba, con el paso de los dias se fue quedando muy flaco. los trabajadores del cementerio le daban agua y comida, pero el no la aceptaba. Con el tiempo cambio y al principio solo bebia agua.
# Over 30 days he stayed beside the grave, with the passage of days him was being very thin, the cemetery workers gave him water and food, but he did not accept. With the time change and initially only drank water.
# Se lo  veia acostado encima de la tumba, como si estuviera escuchando la voz del muerto.
#Him was seen lying on top of the grave, as if there were speaking to the dead.
# Despues de un tiempo  comenzo a recorrer las calles de Durazno,  toda le gente le brindaba su respeto y por qualquier casa que pasara siempre habia un poco de comida para el.
# After a while he began to walk the streets of Durazno, all the people offered him their respect and any house that him had always pass ever had a little of food for him.
# Varios trataron de apoderarse de el, dandole comida, pero el comia y despues se iba y su rumbo siempre era el cementerio.
# Several people tried to hang on with him, giving food, but he ate and then leave and its course was always the cemetery.
# En los bares de la ciudad siempre guardaban comida para el Gaucho.
# In the bars of the city always keep food for the gaucho.
# Una noche en el restaurante "El Grillo", se festejaba un cumpleanos y ahi paraba la Onda entonces algunos pasajeros se bajaron a tomar algo  y se amontonaron en el mostrador. De repente entro "el Gaucho"rumbo a la cocina. Uno de los pasajeros al verlo lo insulto y le pego una patada que lo  hizo gemir . Se armo un lio barbaro y hubo hasta amenaza de linchamiento para la persona que se habia atrevido a pegarle.

# One night in the restaurant  "El Grillo" "The Cricket", and they have a birthday party and there stood the "Onda" (company bus) then some passengers go down and got a drink and they piled on the counter.  Suddenly enters the gaucho to the kitchen. One of the passengers saw him insulted and kicked that made him moan. A barbarian mess was armed and were threatening to lynch to the person who dared to hit him.

# La vida a el tambien se le termino en las proximidades de la Plaza Sainz en el Barrio Verona.
# The life finish for him near of the Square Sainz in the Verona neighborhood.
# Era un perro mediano y cruza con ovejero Aleman. El era  manso, pacifico,de andar cansino
# It was a medium-sized dog crosses with German shepherd. Him was gentle, peaceful and of tiresome walk
..# El Gaucho se transformo en una leyenda viviente para los habitantes de Durazno.
#The Gaucho became a living legend of all Durazno.
# La ciudad de Durazno  le ha brindado su merecido homenaje labrando un monumento en bronce para que jamas sea olvidado, el mismo se encuentra al frente del cementerio local. Y tiene una placa recordatoria que dice asi: Los duraznenses al Gaucho, por tu inigualable lealtad, por haver sido nuestro, por darnos tu leyenda. Durazno, Mayo de 1969.
# The city of Durazno has given its deserved tribute carving a bronze monument to never be forgotten, it is at forefront of the local cemetery.  And it has a reminder plaque that says: The City of Durazno to the gaucho, for your unique friendship, for being our, for giving us your legend, Durazno, May, 1969.

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