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lunes, 18 de junio de 2018



Ringed hognose snake, falsa yarara ñata.

Esta habita en todo el territorio uruguayo.
This inhabits all the Uruguayan territory.

Es Uruguay es una especie muy comun.
In Uruguay is a very common species.

Esta habita en praderas, pedregales, arenales y cerca de viviendas rurales.
It lives in prairies, stony places, sandy areas and near rural homes.

En Uruguay tambien es conocida como Falsa crucera de hocico respingado  o falsa coral.
In Uruguay, it is also known as the false-croos-snout or fake coral.

Cuando se siente en peligro levanta su cola enrollada, simulando que es su cabeza, mientras esconde la cabeza verdadera debajo de otra parte del cuerpo.
When it feels in danger it raises its coiled tail, pretending it is his head, while hidding the real head under another part of the body.

Esta cava tuneles en la arena para protegerse de sus depredadores o buscar sitios mas frescos cuando la temperatura del ambiente es muy alta.
This cave digs in the sand to protect itself from its predators or look for cooler places when the temperature of the environment is very high.

Tambien usa esos tuneles para poner sus huevos.
It also uses those tunnels to lay its eggs.

La escama rostreal esta modificada y eso le dal al hocico un aspecto levantado y remachado. Por eso su nombre culebra hocico de chancho.
The rostreal scale is modified and that gives the snout a raise and riveted appearence. Thats why its name snake snout of pig.

Esta presenta una coloracion amarillenta con manchas negras y rojas.
This present a yellowish coloration with black and red spots.

Su vientre en rojo y negro.
His belly is red and black.

En su cabeza tiene manchas negras en forma de "V".
On its head it has black spots in the shape of a "V".

Su cuerpo es grueso, la cabeza no esta diferenciada y la cola es corta.
Its body is thick, the head is not differentiated and the tail is short.

Mide aproximadamente 80 cm de largo.
It measures approximately 80 cm in length.

Esta se alimenta preferentemente de anfibios.
It feeds preferable on amphibians.

Si bien esta culebra se alimenta principalmente de ranas y sapos, tambien consume peces, larvas de insectos y lagartijas.
Although this snakes feeds mainly on frogs, and toads, it also consumes fish, insect larvae and pizards.

Estas son totalmente inofensivas.
These are totally harmless.

Es una especie ovipara. Eso significa que la hembra pone huevos, de los que nacen las crias.
It is an oviparous species. That means that the female lays eggs, from which  the offspring are born.

Al inicio del verano, la hembra pone hasta 14 huevos de color blanco.
At the beginning of summer, the female lays up to 14 white eggs.
La crias nacen a finales del verano.
The offsprings are born to the end of the summer.

Sus crias al nacer miden aproximadamente 13 cm de longitud.
Their offspring at birth measure approximately 13 cm in length.

Tambien se encuentran en Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay.
They are also found in argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.

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