1) En Uruguay se realizo la primera retransmision futbolistica de la historia durante la disputa del Campeonato Sudamericano de Selecciones de Rio De Janeiro, en 1922.
In Uruguay took place the first transmission in the history of football, during the dispute of South American Championship of National teams in Rio de Janeiro, on 1922
2) Claudio Sapelli a sus veinte anos de edad se convirtio en el primer relator de futbol de la historia.
Claudio Sappelli, at twenty years old, became the first football announcer in the history
3) El truinfo uruguayo ante Chile por 2 a 0 fue relatado desde una terraza a traves de un metodo peculiar.
Claudio Sapelli, hacia el relato con un altavoz en mano, deduciendo lo que el entendia que era que pasaba en el partido por la informacion que le llegaba a un equipo cablegrafico o teletipo.
Uruguay's victory against Chile for 2-0 was announcing from a terrace with a peculiar method.
Claudio Sapelli, make a narration with a loudspeaker in a hand, deducting what was him understood what was happening in the game, for the information that came to a cable graphic or teletype equipment.
4) Ese primer relato lo hizo desde la azotea del diario el Plata, que quedaba en el ala derecha del teatro Solis y tuvo una audiencia de unas 50 personas.
Him made the first report from rooftop the newspaper "el Plata", that was in the right wing of Solis theater and he had an audience of about 50 people.
5) El 1 de Octubre de 1922 transmitio el partido de Uruguay-Brasil y habia tanta expectativa que se habia colmado hasta la Plaza Independencia y varias calles adyacentes.
The October 1, 1922, him transmitted the game Uruguay-Brazil and there was so much expectation that The independence Square was filled and several adjacent streets.
6) Un receptor de radiotelegrafia captaba la transmision radiotelegrafica que venia desde Rio de Janeiro, con las ultimas noticias, con frases transmitidas cada tanto.
An Radiotelegraph receiver captured the redio telegraph transmission that came from Rio de Janeiro, with the latest news, with sentences transmitted every so.
7) Con estos mensajes se hacian dos copias, una para trasmitirla por radio, a traves de ese pequeno emisor volante de "General Electric, a unos pocos aficionados con receptores y auriculares. Y la otra copia se leia por megafono con un reducido alcance, a la multitud.
With these mesages two copies were made, one to transmit by radio, through that small trasmitter of "General Electric", a few fans with receivers and headphone. And one other copy was read by megaphone with a reduced scrop, to the crowd.
8) El Diario "El plata" publico: 'La nerviosidad alcanzo grados verdaderamente intolerables y era su manifestacion tan viva e imponente que cuando el megafono de Enrique Garcia enteraba a la multitud de cualquier incidencia del partido que pudiera adelantar la esperanza de una vitoria, sonaba abajo un rumor sordo como el de una marea avasalladora que amenaza tragarse cuanto hubiese a su alcance.
8) "El Plata" Newspapper published: Nervouness trully reached intolerable levels and its manifestation was so vivid and impressive that when the megaphone of Enrique Garcia learned to the crowd of any incident of the match that could advance the hope of a win, a dull rumble sound below like a overpowering tide that threatens to swallow as had in his way.
9) "El Plata" tambien publicaba que "la informacion transmitida desde nuestra casa al Hipodromo de Maronas por medio del aparato radiotelefonico de la General Electric S.A no pudo darse al publico por el megafono merced a un nerviosidad repentina de los caballos que se trasmitio repentinamente a los senores comisarios. Estos velando por el bienestar de los cuadrupedos prohibieron que se usara el megafono"
"El Plata" Also published that: the information transmitted from our home to Hipodromo De Maronas (Maronas Hippodrome) through apparatus radiotelephone of the General electric S.A failed to communicate to the public by megaphone thanks to a sudden nervouness of the horses that suddenly it transmitted to the Commissioners. They ensuring the welfare of the quadrupeds banned the use of megaphone.
10) En este caso, "General Electric"trasmitia desde "El Plata", un receptor recibia en el Hipodromo de Maronas y otra persona con megafono la hacia conocer al publico.
In this case, "General Electric" brodcast from "El plata", a receiver received it at the Hippodrome and another person with megaphone makes known to the public.
11) Radio General Electric transmitio el primer partido de futbol uruguayo, Nacional ante Sud America, desde el Parque Central, el 18 de Julio de 1923 y fue relatado por Emilo Elena.
Radio General electric broadcast the first game of Uruguayan Football, Nacional-Sud America, form Parque Central (Central Park), the July 18, 1923 and it was announced by Emilio Elena.
12) Elena relato subido al techo del palco de socios y mediante una linea microfonica unio el Parque Central con el Instituto Crandon, que quedaba a pocas cuadras de alli.
Elena announcing climbed onto the roof the box of members and by a microphone line connect the Central Park with Crandon institute, witch was a few blocks away.
13) El relato del partido fue iniciado por otro funcionario,pero estaba tan nervioso que no podia relatar bien. Entonces Elena que estaba escuchando la transmision desde la sede del Montevideo Radio Club decidio trasladarse al Parque central y suplantarlo
The announced of the match was initiated by another clerk, but him was so nervous that could not announcing well. Then Elena that was listening the broadcast from the headquarters of Radio Club Montevideo, he decided to move to Central Park and supplant him.
14) El Sodre fue la primera radio uruguaya en transmitir futbol desde el Estadio Centenario.
The Sodre was the first radio in broadcast Uruguayan Football form the Estadio centenario (Centenary Stadium).
15) El 18 de Julio de 1930, desde su cabina instalada en el Estadio Centenario el dia de su inauguracion.
The July 18, 1930, from its cabin installed in Centenary Stadium on opening day.
16) El relator fue Ignacio "Botija" Dominguez Riera y el comentarista era Emilio Elena.
The announcer was Ignacio "Little Boy" Domingues Riera and the commentator was Emilio Elena.
17) El director Francisco Chigliani "invento planos" del estadio " de dos tamanos, uno como para poner en la pared, como afiche,para que lo viera toda la familia y el otro mas pequeno, como para poner sobre la mesa.
The Director Francisco Chigliani "invention planes" of stadium of two sizes, one to put en the wall, as poster, to saw the whole family and the other smaller, to put on the table.
18) En ese dibujo aparecia la cancha, dividida en treinta rectangulos, seis a lo largo y cinco a lo ancho.
In that draw appeared the field, divided into thirty rectangles, along six and five widthside.
19) El locutor tenia que relatar, la pelota salio del cuadro numero tal y entro a tal otro cuadro, o salio afuera por el cuadro tal y asi el oyente se iba imaginando por donde iba el jugador. Que idea no?
The announcer had to tell, the ball came out of box number such and go inside of this another box and so the listener was imaginiig where could the player going. That idea, no?
20) A partir de ahi, todos los sabados y Domingos el futbol paso a ser relatado en directo.
From there, every Saturdays and Sundays the football star to be announced in live.