1) Hasta fines de la decada de 1940, la langosta fue una plaga que perjudico seriamente a Uruguay.
Until the late 1940s, the grasshopper was a plague that severely disadvantaged Uruguay.
2) El ultimo gran antecedente de langostas en el Uruguay fue en los anos 1947, 48 y se extendio hasta 1950.
The last great antecedent of locust in Uruguay. It was in the years 1947, 1948 and lasted until 1950.
3) Venian con el viento Pampero
They came with the pampean wind
. 4) De repente todo se nublaba y aparecian las langostas haciendo un sumbido raro que se escuchaba a kilometros de distancia.
Suddenly everything was clouded and appeared the grasshoppers making a rare sound that was heard from kilometers away.
5) Las temidas "mangas" arrasaban con todos los vegetales que encontraban a su paso.
The dreaded "sleeves" (swarms) annihilate all vegetables that found in their path..
Suddenly everything was clouded and appeared the grasshoppers making a rare sound that was heard from kilometers away.
5) Las temidas "mangas" arrasaban con todos los vegetales que encontraban a su paso.
The dreaded "sleeves" (swarms) annihilate all vegetables that found in their path..
6) Los vecinos se juntaban con chapas y maderas y las arrojaban de a miles hacia un pozo previamente cavado y de grandes dimensiones donde con diferentes tecnicas eran quemadas.
The neighbors came together with sheets and woods and threw thousands in a hole previously dug and with large dimensions where with different techniques were burned.
7)Otros quemaban enormes pajonales para impedirles el paso.
Others burned vast grasslands to stop them

8) A veces con suerte un cambio del viento modificaba su rumbo.
With lucky sometimes when wind change modified its course.
The neighbors came together with sheets and woods and threw thousands in a hole previously dug and with large dimensions where with different techniques were burned.
7)Otros quemaban enormes pajonales para impedirles el paso.
Others burned vast grasslands to stop them

8) A veces con suerte un cambio del viento modificaba su rumbo.
With lucky sometimes when wind change modified its course.
9) Solo habia una oportunidad ocasional para matarlas facilmente y era cuando se producia el desove de los insectos en la tierra. Alli se podia atacar a las langostas jovenes (saltonas) pues su movilidad apenas se limitaba a unos pocos metros. Entonces mediante el uso de cientos y cientos de metros de una cortina metalica flexible, mas conocida como "Chapa Barrera" se hacian cercos donde los campesinos las eliminaban con lanzallamas o cebos toxicos.
There was only an occasional opportunity to kill them easily and was when insects making spawning on land. There you could attack the young grasshopper (hoppers) because their mobility was limited a few meters. Then using hundreds and hundreds of meters of flexible metal curtain, better known as "Barrier Metal" they make a fence where the peasants eliminated by Flamethrowers or toxic baits.
There was only an occasional opportunity to kill them easily and was when insects making spawning on land. There you could attack the young grasshopper (hoppers) because their mobility was limited a few meters. Then using hundreds and hundreds of meters of flexible metal curtain, better known as "Barrier Metal" they make a fence where the peasants eliminated by Flamethrowers or toxic baits.
10) La gente se ponia panuelos en sus caras para poder respirar y no tragarselas.
The people put handkerchiefs on their faces to breathe and don't swallow them.
11) Por los anos 30, la lucha contra las voraces langostas estaba a cargo del ejercito.
In the 30s the army was in charge to fighting the voracious locusts.
The people put handkerchiefs on their faces to breathe and don't swallow them.
11) Por los anos 30, la lucha contra las voraces langostas estaba a cargo del ejercito.
In the 30s the army was in charge to fighting the voracious locusts.
12) Para combatirlas se utilizaban barreras y zanjas para detenerlas y luego se las quemaba con precarios lanzallamas.
To combat were used barriers and trenches to stop them and then they are burned with precarious flamethrowers.
To combat were used barriers and trenches to stop them and then they are burned with precarious flamethrowers.
13) La gente de campo salia con ollas o cualquier cosa que hiceira ruido y gritaban, para que las langostas se asustaran y se fueran.
Country people came out with pots or anything that make noise and shouting, to the locusts were frightened and then leaving.
Country people came out with pots or anything that make noise and shouting, to the locusts were frightened and then leaving.
14) Tambien los recuerdos dicen que los arboles se doblaban y hasta se quebraban por las miles de langostas que tenian encima.
Memories also say that the trees bent and even broke for the thousands of grasshoppers they have above them.
Memories also say that the trees bent and even broke for the thousands of grasshoppers they have above them.
15) El gamexan es un insecticida clorado cuyo uso esta actualmente prohibido, este era donado a Uruguay por la Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentacion (FAO) en la decada de 1940 para el control de la plaga de langostas.
The gamexan is a chlorinated insecticide whose use id currently prohibited, this was donated to Uruguay by the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in the 1940s to control the plague of grasshoppers.
16) En Diciembre de 1933 una resena publicada por el Estado Mayor del Ejercito informaba que: "En Paysandu las invasiones de las saltonas se estan produciendo en forma alarmante. Se estima que este ano los desoves y nacimientos de mosquitas has sido tres veces superiores a los ocurridos el ano pasado. La lucha esta prestigiada por el inusitado entusiasmo de la poblacion que presta una eficiente colaboracion.
In December 1933 a review published by the Chiefs of the Army reported that: " In Paysandu the invasion of hoppers is occurring at alarming rate. It is estimated that this year spawing and midges birth was three times higher than those that occurred last year. This prestigious fight for the unusual entushiasm of the population providing efficient collaboration
The gamexan is a chlorinated insecticide whose use id currently prohibited, this was donated to Uruguay by the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in the 1940s to control the plague of grasshoppers.
16) En Diciembre de 1933 una resena publicada por el Estado Mayor del Ejercito informaba que: "En Paysandu las invasiones de las saltonas se estan produciendo en forma alarmante. Se estima que este ano los desoves y nacimientos de mosquitas has sido tres veces superiores a los ocurridos el ano pasado. La lucha esta prestigiada por el inusitado entusiasmo de la poblacion que presta una eficiente colaboracion.
In December 1933 a review published by the Chiefs of the Army reported that: " In Paysandu the invasion of hoppers is occurring at alarming rate. It is estimated that this year spawing and midges birth was three times higher than those that occurred last year. This prestigious fight for the unusual entushiasm of the population providing efficient collaboration
17) Mirta Vanni era uno de los pilotos de los aviones aerofumigadores en la epoca de 1940 y dice con orgullo: La dispersion de la langosta llego a ocupar las dos terceras partes del pais aproximadamente y hubo que combatirlas desde el aire con un poderoso insecticida lanzado desde los aviones. Eso vino a erradicar la plaga y yo integre esa campana.
Mirta Vanni was one of the pilots of the aircraft at the time aicraft fumigators in 1940 and she says with pride locust dispersion came to occupy about two-third of the country and had to fight them from the air with a powerful insecticide launched from aircraft. That came to eradicate the pest and i'm integrate this campaign.
18) Las langostas viven en el planeta por cerca de 250 millones de años.
Grasshoppers living in this planet for around of 250 million years
19) La Universidad de Washington de St louis (USA) en Febrero de 20202 anuncio que han creado un "Cyborg Langosta" capas de detectar explosivos.
20) Al sureste de mexico son usadas como comida.
20) In southern Mexico are used as food.
Washington University in St Louis (EEUU) in February 2020 announced they they had engineered "cyborg grasshoppers" capable of accurately detecting explosives.