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jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Dionisio Diaz:The Kid Hero from Uruguay---Dionisio Diaz: El Nino Heroe de Uruguay

# It is the story of a nine years old boy, of "Pueblo el Oro". (Gold Town")
# Es la historia de un nino de 9 anos, de Pueblo el Oro.
# Who was stabbed to death by his grandfather, when intervene to prevent that its mother was injured.
# Que murio apunalado por su abuelo, al interponerse para impedir que su madre fuera herida.
# Walking near of 7 kilometers with his sister in arms to keep her safe.
# Camino aproximadamente 7 kilometros con su hermana en sus brazos para ponerla a salvo.
# This tragedy that occurred in the year 1929 is remembered as " The Creek Gold feat of hero boy".
# Esta tragedia que ocurrio en el ano 1929, es recordada como "la hazana del nino heroe del Arroyo el Oro".
# Dionisio was born on May 8, 1920 in the village of Arroyo El Oro ( now Mendizabal).
# Dionisio nacio el 8 de Mayo de 1920 en el pueblo de Arroyo El Oro (hoy Mendizabal).
# His grandfather signed him on May 24, in the "Vergara" village, due its mother was sick.
# Su abuelo lo inscribio el 24 de Mayo, en Pueblo Vergara, por estar su madre enferma.
# Stating that him was a natural son of Maria Luisa Diaz, 22 years old, single.
# Manifestando que era hijo natural de Maria Luisa Diaz,de 22 anos, soltera.
# It is believed that Dionio was son of Quintin Nunez.
# Se cree que Dionisio era hijo de Quintin Nunez.
# The town of Mendizabal o "The Gold" was in those year a lost shantytown in a rural area of the department of Treinta y Tres.
# El Pueblo Mendizabal o El Oro, era por aquellos anos un rancherio perdido en una zona rural de el departamento de Treinta y Tres.
# There by that time in two humble ranches made of mud and thatch, living Dionisio, his mother Maria, its sister Marina, the grandfather Juan Diaz, its uncle Eduardo and Luis Ramos, his mother's partner.
# Alli en dos humildes ranchos de barro y paja, vivian Dionisio, su mama Maria, la hermana  Marina.el abuelo Juan Diaz, su tio Eduardo y Luis Ramos por esos tiempos,  la pareja de su madre.
# His mother was a widow and his uncle Eduardo who was a craftsman in wood and had one foot stick because him had amputate it due to a snake bite.
# Su madre era viuda y su tio Eduardo que era un artesano en madera y que tenia un pie de palo porque debio apuntarselo por una mordedura de una serpiente.
# Luis Ramos was the son of an old enemy of the his grandfather Juan.
# Luis Ramos era hijo de un antiguo enemigo del abuelo Juan.
# From the union of Luis and Maria born Marina the half-sister of Dionisio.
# De la union de Luis y Maria nacio Marina la media hermana de Dionisio.
# In the family there were problems because the grandfather Juan did not approve of Mary's relationship with Luis.
# En la familia habia problemas debido a que el abuelo Juan no aprobaba la relacion de Maria con Luis.
# The grandfather Juan got along very well with Dionisio, but could not hide his contempt for Marina, the little girls who had the blood of his enemy.
# El abuelo Juan se llevaba muy bien con Dionisio, pero no podia ocultar su desprecio por Marina, la pequena nina que llevaba la sangre de su enemigo.
# The May 8, 1929, Dionisio celebrated his birthday with his family, grandfather Juan, his uncle Eduardo, his mother Maria t hi sister Marina of 15 months old.
# El 8 de mayo de 1929, Dionisio festejo su cumpleanos con su familia, el abuelo Juan, su tio Eduardo, su mama Maria y su hermana de 15 meses Marina.
# This day the grandfather felt bad.
# Ese dia el abuelo se sentia mal.
# The next day on May 9 was very cold.
# Al dia siguiente el 9 de mayo hacia mucho frio.
# In night time grandfather Juan felt ill and asked his daughter Maria to stay with him in the room and made him a tea.
# El abuelo Juan al llegar la noche se sintio enfermo y le pidio a su hija Maria que se quedara con el en el cuarto y le hiciera un te.
# The uncle Eduardo who slept in the same room, moved to Maria room, while Maria, Dionisio and Marina lay  a double mattress on the ground to look after the grandfather.
# El tio Eduardo que dormia en el mismo cuarto, se traslado al de Maria, mientras que Maria, Dionisio y Marina, con un colchon de dos plazas se acostaron en el suelo para cuidar al abuelo.
# The Juan Diaz ranches were two, separated by a vine and the distance between one and the other was about 4 meters.
# Los ranchos de Jaun Diaz eran dos, separados por un parral y la distancia entre uno y el otro era de unos 4 metros.
# At about 21 horas, the mother had slept with children.
# A eso de las 21 horas, la mama se habia acostado con los ninos.
# The grandfather was leaning with his hands on his knees looking down.
# El abuelo estaba apoyando con las manos en las rodillas mirando para abajo.
# Him was about to lie down and suddenly jump with a knife in his hand to where his mother was lying.
# El se estaba por acostar y de repente salto con un cuchillo en la mano hacia donde estaba acostada su madre.
# Him began to stab her, then Dionisio got into the middle trying to protect his mother.
# El le comenzo a dar punaladas, entonces Dionisio se metio en el medio tratando de proteger a su madre.
# Dionisio with his arms and body tried to defend his mother, but it was too late his mother already was mortally wounded.
# Dionisio con sus brazos y su cuerpo trato de defender a su madre, pero ya era tarde su madre estaba herida de muerte.
# Him also was stab wonded in the stomach, another in the groin and a cut on the left arm.
# El tambien quedo herido de una punalada en el vientre , otra mas en la ingle y un corte en el brazo izquierdo.
# As he could ran to where his little sister and covered her with his body.
# Como pudo corrio hasta donde estaba su hermanita y la cubrio con su cuerpo.
# The Uncle Eduardo who have a missing leg coming and the grandfather went to found him in the courtyard.
# El tio Eduardo que le faltaba una pierna ya venia y el abuelo lo salio a buscar al patio.
# Dionisio past between them with his sister in his arms and went into the room where his uncle had left.
# Dioniso paso entre ellos con su hermana en brazos y se metio en el cuarto de donde habia salido su tio.
# Close the door with all his power and accommodate his sister as him can.
# Cerro la puerta con todas sus fuerzas y acomodo como pudo a su hermanita.
# While the uncle asked for the knife that was under the pillow.
# Mientras que el tio le pedia el cuchillo que estaba bajo de la almohada.
# Him grabbed the knife, opened the door and wanted to give the knife to his uncle, but him could no tell who had grabbed it.
# Agarro el cuchillo, abrio la puerta y le quiso entregar el cuchillo a su tio, pero no pudo saber quien lo habia agarrado.
# Him returned to the room where the girl was and again close the door.
# Volvio al cuarto donde estaba la nina y cerro otra vez la puerta.
# Through the cracks of the ranch could see bodies moving, him could hear screams and moans.
# Por las rendijas del rancho podia ver los cuerpos moviendose, podia sentir los gritos y quejidos.
# Suddenly the silence of death.
# De repente el silencio de la muerte.
# Then listens as his grandfather wants to open the door.
# Luego escucha como su abuelo quiere abrir la puerta.
# Him covered his sister to no crying and him could feel the presence of his grandfather.
# Tapo a su hermana para que no llorara y podia sentir la presencia de su abuelo.
# Just then he realized that him was also wounded.
# Recien en ese momento se dio cuenta que el tambien estaba herido.
# A moment later Eduardo crawling came to the door and asked Dionisio to open the door.
# Un momento despues Eduardo arrastrandose llego hasta la puerta y le pidio a Dionisio que le abriera la puerta.
# Dionisio though that him was crawling due him was lost his crutch.
# Dionisio penso que se arrastraba porque habia perdido la muleta.
# The uncle shouted Dionisio open the door, open it.
# El tio le gritaba Dionisio abrime la puerta, abrime.
# The kid forgetting his wounds opened the door again, as he could, helped the godfather to enter. Dragging..
# El nino olvidando sus heridas abrio una vez mas la puerta, como pudo, ayudo al padrino a entrar. Arrastrandolo.
# Shortly after his uncle died.
# Poco despues su tio murio.
# The grandfather Juan continued circling all night.
# El abuelo Juan siguio dando vueltas toda la noche.
# Dionisio listened and looked through the cracks of the door.
# Dionisio escuchaba y miraba por las rendijas de la puerta.
# He stood still, sheltering Marina that was not to cry.
# Se quedaba quietito, abrigando a Marina para que no fuera a llorar.
# He know that the grandfather wanted to kill her.
# El sabia que el abuelo la queria matar.
# Dionisio began to feel pain and cold.
# Dioniso empezo a sentir dolor y frio.
# One of his wounds was very ugly, then grabbed a scissor and cut a piece of fat that came out of the wound.
# Una de sus heridas estaba muy fea, entonces agarro una tijera y se corto un pedazo de graza que le salia de la herida.
# Him had cooled a lot and it hurt and then cut a piece of bed sheet and bind up.
# Ya se habia enfriado mucho y le dolia y entonces corto un pedazo de sabana  y se vendo.
# Then he made a bundle with clothes for Marina and to him not put anything.
# Entonces hizo un atado con las ropitas de Marina y para el no puso nada.
# The only concern that him had at the time was that the girl cried and his grandfather would listen.
# La unica preocupacion que tenia en ese momento era que la nina llorara y el abuelo la escuchara.
# The hours never passed, until him hear the birds.
# Las horas no pasaban nunca, hasta que escucho los pajaros.
# He was a country boy, him knew that when birds were shut up in the patio, it was because someone was there.
# El era un nino del campo, sabia que cuando los pajaros que andaban en el patio se callaban, era porque alguien andaba por alli.
# Him look again and again, who knows how many times.
# Miro una y otra vez, vaya uno a saber cuantas veces.
# Until him was sure that his grandfather was not there.
# Hasta que estubo seguro que su abuelo no estaba.
# Soon after dawn, him open the door with the baby in his arms, to go.
# Al poco rato de amanecer, abrio la puerta con la nina en brazos, para irse.
# There him realized that his uncle was dead.
# En ese momento se dio cuenta que su tio estaba muerto.
# Him do not encourage to go to the other room where his mother was fall into a huge pool of blood
# No se animo a ir hasta el otro cuarto donde estaba su madre caida en un inmenso charco de sangre.
# He saw that his grandfather was in the room where his mother was.
# El vio que su abuelo estaba en la pieza donde estaba su madre.
# Him look at the trail that was about three meters, in between the high weeds, opened by the farm.
# Miro el camino que a unos tres metros, entre los yuyos altos,se abria por la chacra.
# Crossed the fence and got in that trail.
# Cruzo el alambrado y se metio en ese camino.
# And him began to walk quickly looking forward and backward.
# Y comenzo a caminar rapidamente mirando hacia adelante y hacia atras.
# Dionisio had followed a path that led him to the coast of the stream.
# Dionisio habia seguido un sendero que lo llevo hasta la costa del arroyo.
# At that time he saw his grandfather was header toward the stream.
# En esos momentos vio como su  abuelo se dirigia hacia el arroyo.
# Then he went on his way along the creek.
# Entonces siguio su camino bordeando  el arroyo.
# And he walked with her sister tight in the chest.
# Y anduvo con su hermana apretada en su pecho.
# Just him stopped two or three times to drink water in the ravines with its belly in the ground.
# Apenas se detuvo dos o tres veces para tomar agua en las canadas con la barriga contra el suelo.
# Him sit his sister in the floor with care to not cry and lying to drink water and then pick her in his arms.
# Sentaba a su hermana en el suelo con cuidado para que no llorara y se acostaba a tomar agua para luego levantarla en brazos.
# Always ensuring that the grandfather does not seem on the way.
# Siempre cuidando que el abuelo no se le apareciera en el camino.
# Him had his belly open and the fever was invading him.
# El tenia su vientre abierto y la fiebre lo estaba invadiendo.
# In mid-morning of May 10, Dionisio was coming to the town.
# El 10 de Mayo a media manana, Dionisio ya estaba llegando al pueblo.
# Him went straight to the house of a family friend, who had been police.
# Fue directo hasta la casa de una amiga de la familia, que habia sido policia.
# Him left his sister with this family.
# Dejo a su hermana con la familia.
# From there him went to the police station that was a half block.
# De ahi fue hasta la comisaria que estaba a media cuadra.
# At 11 in the morning him showed up at the station.
# A las 11 de la manana se presento en la comisaria.
# The first words he said to the police were "My grandfather killed my mother and uncle Eduardo and hutr my too".
# Las primeras palabras que le dijo a la policia fueron "el Abuelo mato a mi madre y al tio Eduardo y me hirio a mi".
# The police placed him in a bed, him was swathed. It hurt because the intestine was outside. It could not squeeze and him was very bad.
# El policia lo acosto en su cama, estaba fajado. Le dolia porque el instestino estaba de afuera. No se podia apretar y el estaba muy mal.
# The police called the doctor of Vergara and the justice of the peace.
# El policia llamo al medico de Vergara y al juez de Paz.
# They first passed by the tragedy home.
# Ellos primero pasaron por la casa de la tragedia
# And only between 15,30 and 16 they arrived to the police station where Dioniso was.
# Y recien entre las 15y30 y las 16 horas llegaron a la comisaria donde estaba Dionisio.
# Dionisio died in the car on their way to the city of Treinta y Tres.
# Dionisio murio en el auto cuando iban camino a la ciudad de Treinta y Tres.
Dionisio sister

# Found Maria and Eduardo Dead.
# Encontro a Maria y Eduardo muertos.
# Maria was lying on the floor face up in the bedroom of her father.
# Maria se encontraba tendida en el suelo boca arriba en el dormitorio de su padre.
# She had two deep wounds, one in the chest at heart level and one on the back right side. And two cuts on her hands.
# Tenia dos heridas profundas, una en el pecho a la altura del corazon y otra en la espalda del lado derecho. Y dos cortes en las manos.
# In the same room they found a mattress that was lying in the floor on which Maria was lying with her kids.
# En la misma pieza tendido en el suelo se encontraba un colchon en el que estaba acostada Maria cono sus hijos.
# A few meters on the other room they found Eduardo's corpse lying in the floor face up.
# A pocos metros en la otra pieza se encontraba el cadaver de Eduardo, tendido en el suelo boca arriba.
# Him had 6 deeps wound in the back and one in the left arm.
# Tenia 6 heridas profundas en la espalda y una en el brazo izquierdo.
# In the courtyard there were signs of a struggle and large bloodstains.
# En el patio habia senales de lucha y grandes manchas de sangre.
# The grandfather was not in the place.
# El abuelo no se encontraba en el lugar.
# They assumed that he was crazy and began searching the area.
# Supusieron que estaba loco y lo empezaron a buscar por la zona.
# The police commandeer two knives.
# La policia inacuto dos cuchillos.
# Both knieves were bloodied.
# Ambos cuchillos estaban ensangrentados.

# Dioniso was the last one that seem him walking towards the stream.
# El ultimo que lo habia visto era Dionisio caminando hacia el arroyo.
#  After that all traces of grandfather were lost.
# Despues de eso se pierde tod rastro del abuelo.
# The police with neighbors organized patrols to try to find him.
# La policia con los vecinos organizaron patrullajes para tratar de encontrarlo.
# The people who were in the home at about noon on May 9, saw that the grandfather Juan dog's was sitting on the edge of a lagoon which was about 20 blocks away from the house.
# La gente que estuvo en la casa a eso del mediodia del 9 de Mayo, vieron que el perro del abuelo Juan estaba sentado a la orilla de una laguna que estaba a unas 20 cuadras de la casa.
#  They went looking for him by those nearby but did not find him.
# Anduvieron buscandolo por esas inmediaciones pero no lo encontraron.
# After searching for about 27 days with not news.
#  Despues de una busqueda por unos 27 dias sin ninguna noticia.
# Finally on September 6, the body of the grandfather Juan appeared floating in the lagoon where the dog had been sitting.
# Finalmente el 6 de Septiembre, el cuerpo del abuelo Juan aparecio flotando en la laguna donde  habia estado sentado el perro.

# The "Gold Town" had between 30 and 40 ranches.
# El Pueblo del Oro" tenia entre 30 a 40 ranchos.
# These ranches belong to policemen, farm laborers and rural workers.
# Estos ranchos eran de policias, peones de estancia y trabajadores rurales.
# It was a town of little importance.
# Era un pueblo de poca importancia.
# There were between 200 and 300 inhabitants.
# Habia entre 200 y 300 habitantes.
# Life was completely quiet.
# La vida era completamente tranquila.
# People were good and workers.
# La gente era buena y de trabajo.
# Mens spent their time working in the farms and ranches in the area.
# Los hombres pasaban su tiempo trabajando en las chacras y en las estancias de la zona.
# Had a police telephone with Treinta y Tres and Vergara.
# Habia un telefono policial con Treinta y Tres y Vergara.
# Had stagecoachs, cars and trucks that made the route to Treinta y Tres (38km) and Vergara (25km).
# Habia diligencias, autos y camiones que hacian el tramo de Treinta y Tres (38 km)a Vergara (25 km)
# To make the 38 km drive to Treinta y Tres it take about two hours.
# Para hacer los 38 kilometros hasta Treinta y Tres en auto se demoraba cerca de 2 horas.
# The station consisted of two ranchs, with clod, thatched roof and soil floor.
# La comisaria se componia de dos ranchos, de terron, techo de paja y piso de tierra.

# Him was a boy with curly blond hair, blue eyes, thin, skin very white, with half pink cheeks.
# Era un chico de cabello rubio  y rizado, ojos azules, delgado, cutis muy blanco, con los cachetes medios rosados.
# Him was cheerful, nice, chatty and very inquisitive.
# Era alegre, simpatico, conversador y muy pregunton.
# He never went to school, because this was too far.
# Nunca fue a la escuela, ya que esta le quedaba muy lejos.
# His mother was teaching to read and write.
# La madre le estaba ensenando a leer y escribir.
# Him spent all day playing and have train her sister to walk.
# Pasaba todo el dia jugando y le habia ensenando a caminar a su hermana.
# Him love to ride the wooden horse that it's uncle Eduardo had done.
# Le gustaba mucho montar el caballo de madera que le habia hecho su tio Eduardo.
# Him liked the countryside.
# Le gustaba mucho el campo.
# Always went yo the town supermarket along the coast of the stream to not scare the animals.
# Siempre iba al almacen del pueblo por la costa del arroyo para no asustar a los animales.

# She was a tall, thin, very cheerful, good and hardworking woman.
# Era una mujer alta, delgadita, muy alegre, buena y trabajadora.
# Him was a smart, handsome, intelligent, dark-haired, short man and wore mustaches.
# Era un hombre elegante,buen mozo, inteligente, morocho, bajo y usaba bigotes.
# He was missing a leg because a snake had bitten him in the foot and in those years (1912) the lines were very slow, he was made a ligature and step. There were forced to cut the leg.
# Le faltaba una pierna porque una crucera lo habia picado en el pie y como en esos anos (1912) las conducciones eran muy lentas, le hicieron una ligadura y se paso. Hay se vieron obligados a cortarle la pierna.
# Maria and Eduardo were very close brothers.
# Maria y Eduardo eran dos hermanos muy unidos.
# Eduardo could read very little because only two years had gone to school.
# Eduardo sabia leer muy poco debido a que solamente habia ido dos anos a la escuela.
# He worked with the grandfather and had been carrero. (drive a coach with horses)
# Trabajaba con el abuelo y habia sido carrero.
# Him was a hardworking, honest and helpful man.
# Era un hombre trabajador, honrado, servicial.
# It was a typical man of our countryside.
# Era un tipico hombre de nuestra campana.
# Looking very hard and firm in their decisions.
# De aspecto exterior muy duro y firme en sus decisiones.
# When the tragedy was 70 years old and widowed.
# Al momento de la tragedia tenia 70 anos y estaba viudo.
# He had a farm of 80 hectares, with some animals.
# Tenia la chacra de 80 hectareas, con algunos animales.
# At that time him get out very little, and was removed from all duties and worked alone in the house.
# En esa epoca salia muy poco , ya estaba retirado de toda actividad y trabajaba solo en la casa.
# In those days him was terribly upset because at home he did not like things were seen, referring to the love between Maria and Luis.
# En esos tiempos andaba muy disgustado porque en su casa se veian cosas que no le gustaban, haciendo referencia a los amores entre Maria y Luis.

# She was a chubby girl who at the time of the tragedy was 15 months old.
# Era una nina gordita que al momento de la tragedia tenia 15 meses de edad.
# Walked a tittle in small distances.
# Caminaba un poquito a las cortitas.
# She was married and has children and grandchildren.
# Ella se caso tuvo hijos y nietos.
# She is now retired and lives in a suburb of the city of Treinta y Tres (2015).
# Ahora esta jubilada y vive en un barrio de la ciudad de Treinta y Tres (2015).
# She says" Him is a God" and a source of pride for the permanent sacrifice that him made. I'm proud to have had a brother as him, for the sacrifice he made because the only thing him thought about was me and did not remembered who had the problem that was much worse was him. In addition i have the feeling that him always watch me, i assure you that always him accompanies me in many things i've done or because i thought of doing something and when i going to make it i change to do quite another.
# Ella dice: " Es un dios" y motivo de orgullo  permanente por el sacrificio que hizo. Estoy orgullosa de haber tenido un hermano como el, por el sacrificio que hizo, porque en lo unico que pensaba era en mi y no se acordaba del problema que tenia el que era mucho peor. Ademas tengo la sensacion que siempre esta cuidandome, yo aseguro que siempre me acompana por muchas cosas que he hecho o poruqe he pensado en hacer alguna cosa y al momento de hacerlo cambio a hacer otra completamente distinta.

# Was the current partner of Maria.
# Era la pareja actual de Maria.
# Not lived with them, worked in the shears and when there was no work, as many people engaged in smuggling.
# No vivia con ellos, trabajaba en las esquilas y cuando no habia trabajo, se dedicaba como mucha gente al contrabando.
# When he came home, him stay a few days or a week.
# Cuando venia a la casa,estaba una semana o algunos dias.
# Then him left for a while and then return.
# Luego se iba por un tiempo para luego regrezar.
# The day of the tragedy him was not in the house.
# El dia de la tragedia no estaba en la casa.
# He said:" I spent two years between them there, in that place could never know the old thoroughly. For me him was always a man of evil intention. Quiet, but malice. At first we got along well, the...no. We have some strong word changes in more than one occasion. I was to leave. We wanted to go to "El Oro" to put Dionisio in School. When i returned it was too late".
# El dijo " Yo estube dos anos entre ellos. Alli,en aquel lugar. Nunca pude conocer al viejo a fondo. Para mi fue siempre un hombre de ma la intencion. Callado, pero de mala intencion. Al principio nos llevabamos bien, despues no. Tuvimos algunos cambios fuertes de palabra en mas de una oportunidad. Yo estaba para irme. Queriamos irnos para "El Oro", para poner a Dionisio en la escuela. Cuando regrese ya era tarde".

# "The little hero of Gold Creek" is a 1929 silent film from Uruguay.
# El Pequeno heroe del Arroyo del Oro es una pelicula muda uruguaya de 1929.
# Is a film version of the documentary chronicles the journalist Jose Sanchez Flores.
# Es una version cinematografica de la cronica documental del periodista Jose Sanchez Flores.
# The little Dionisio, is a book witten by Ariel Pinho Boasso and Santiago Rivero Amaro.
# "El Peqeuno Dionisio", es un libro escrito por Ariel Pinho Boasso y Santiago Rivero Amaro.
# SERAFIN J GARCIA Dedicated several poems.
 SERAFIN J GARCIA le dedico varios poemas.