Prehensile-tailed tree porcupine, Coendu cola corta, erizo, puerco espin, coendu chico, caixeiro (Portugues) Kuii (Guarani,
El Coendu habita en montes del norte de Uruguay.
Coendu inhabits forest of northern Uruguay.
El Coendu es un roedor de pelaje grisaceo amarillento.
The coendu is a yellowish grayish coat rodent.
Su cuerpo esta cubierto por puas, que usa como defensa.
Its body is covered by spikes, which it uses as a defense.
En las patas tiene unas largas garras y su cola es larga and prensil.
In legs it has long claws and its tails is long and prehensile.
Se alimenta de hojas, corteza, flores y frutos.
It feed on leaves, bark, flores and fruits.
Cuando duerme se enrosca en forma de ovillo sobre las ramas mas altas de los arboles y es facil que se lo confunda con un nido de ave.
When it sleeps, it curl up in a ball of yarn on the highest branches of the trees and it is easy to confuse with a bird's nest.
La hembra de a luz una sola cria.
The female has only one off-spring.
La cria nace con poco pelo y sus puas son blandas.
The off-spring is born with little hair and its spikes are soft.
Es una especie principalmente arboricola, pues permanece la mayor parte del tiempo sobre los arboles, moviendose lentamente por la copa con la ayuda de sus largas unas y de su cola prensil.
It is a species mainly arboreal, because it remains most of the time on the trees, moving slowly through the cup with the help of its long nails and its prehensile tail.
Este animal tambien conocido como erizo, es timido, tranquilo y inofensivo.
This animal also known as hedgehog is shy, harmless and inoffensive.
En ocasiones se desplaza por el suelo y puede ser amenazado por perros, zorros, comadrejas y otros depredadores, de los que se defiende clavandole sus puas.
Sometimes it moves on the ground and can be threatened by dogs, foxes, weasels and other predators, which are defended by nailing their spikes.
Este especie depende principalmente de la conservacion de los montes.
This species depends mainly on the conservation of the forest.
Su cola prensil se enrolla en sentido contrario a la de la mayor parte de los mamiferos arboricolas con cola prensil.
Its prehensile tail is wound in the opposite direction that of most of the arboreal mammals with prehensile tails.
Cuando es atacado lanza su cuerpo y su cola contra el atacante y le clava las puas que se desprenden de su pelaje.
When is attacked it trows his body and tail against the attacker and stabs its spikes that come off from its fur.
Tiene una longitud de entre 31 a 80 cm.
It has a length of between 31 to 80cm.
Su cola mide entre 20 a 28 cm.
It's tail measures between 20 to 28 cm.
Su peso varia entre 3 a 5.3 kg.
Its weight varies between 3 to 5.3kg.