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jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018



Scarlet-headed blackbird

En Uruguay es un residente comun al sur del Rio negro, pero escasea al norte.
In Uruguay is common resident south to the Rio Negro (Black River), but is scarce to the north.

El Federal es una ave residente y hermoza del Noreste argentino, Paraguay, Uruguay y el sur de Brasil.
The Scarlet-headed Blackbird is a bautiful resident in northeastern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Southern Brazil.

Esta ave impresiono a Theodoro roosevelt durante su viaje  a traves del Parana Brasilero.
It bird impresed Theodoro Roosevelt during his travels thorugh the Brazilian Parana.

El Federal es generalmente poco comun a traves de su territorio.
Scarlet-headed Blackbirds are generally uncommon throughout their range.

Esta especie tiene aproximadamente 24 cm de largo.
This species is about 24 cm long.

Los federales se ven en casales.
The Scarlet-headed Blackbirs are seen in couples.

Fuera de la epoca reproductiva, suelen agruparse en los alto de arbustos o plantas, formando grupos de hasta unos 20 ejemplares.
Outside of the reproductive season, they tend to cluster in the heighs of bushes or plants, forming groups of up to 20 individuals.

Mayormente se alimentan de insectos y otros invertebrados que suelen capturar entre la vegetacion acuatica.
Mostly they feed on insects and other invertebrates that they usually capture among the aquatic vegetation.

Complementan su dieta con semillas y frutas.
They supplement their diet with seeds and fruits.

Utilizan su pico a modo de martillo para abrir los alimentos.
They use their beaks as a hammer to open its food.

Los federales son monogamos.
The Scarlet-headed Blackbird are monogamous.

Sus nidos tienen forma de taza abierta de hojas entrelazadas. Los ubican sobre juncales o encima de algun arbusto.
Their nest are shaped like an open cup with intertwined leaves. They are placed on rushes or on top of some bush.

En el mismo ponen dos o tres huevos de color celeste claro, con pintas negras.
In it they put two or three eggs of light blue color, with black spots.

En epoca de reproduccion (Setiembre a Diciembre) son muy territoriales.
In reproduction time (September to December) they are very territorial.

El macho y la hembra defienden el territorio de cria y luego comparten la alimentacion de las crias, aunque la incubacion queda a cargo solo de la hembra.
The male and female defend the breeding territory and then share the feeding of the young, although the incubation is left to the female alone.

Es perseguido por los traficantes de aves por su belleza y melodico canto.
It is persecuted by bird smugglers for their beauty and melodic singing.