Southern caracara, carancho, el carancho, caricari, caracara monudo, carcana, guarro, monudo, traro, caracara carancho.
Habita en campos, bosques, banados, playas y ciudades de Uruguay.
It lives in fields, forests, swamps, beaches and cities of Uruguay.
Habita en Uruguay durante todo el ano y se ve beneficiado con la conversion de montes en zonas de pasturas.
It lives in Uruguay throughout the year and is benefited with the conversion of forets in pasture areas.
Su cara desnuda es caractetistica de las aves de carrona. Evita que ensucien su plumaje durante el consumo de animales muertos.
Its naked face is characteristic of carrions birds. It avoids that they contaminate their plumage during the consumption of dead animals.
Es un ave de habitos muy terrestres.
it is a bird of very terrestrial habits.
Camina semirecto y corre antes de levantar vuelo.
It walks semi-fast and runs before taking off.
Presenta garras poco curvadas. Esto puede estar relacionado con sus habitos terresteres y su tendencia a comer carrona.
It has slightly curved claws. This may be related to their terrestrial habits and their tendency to eat carrion.
Southern crested caracaras are fine at flying, but they can often be found walking around on the ground. Their long legs also make them strong runners.
El carancho tiene una cresta de plumas negras.
The Southern crested caracaras has a crest of black feathers.
Los bebes de carancho tienen su capa oscura desde el nacimiento.
Baby southern crested caracaras have their dark cap from time they hatch.
El resto de la cabeza y el cuello son de color blanco grisaceo y en el pecho presenta rayas oscuras.
The rest of the head and neck are grayish white and the chest has dark stripes.
La piel de la cara es roja.
The skin on the face is red.
Las patas son largas y amarillas y tienen garras poco curvadas.
The legs are long and yellow and have little curved claws.
Se alimenta de carrona y de pequenos animales.
It feeds in carrion and small animals.
Puede verse en pareja o en pequenos grupos.
It can be seen as a couple or in small groups.
Construye un gran nido con ramas pequenas.
Build a large nest with small branches.
La hembra deposita de 1 a 3 huevos y los incuba durante aproximadamente 28 dias.
Female deposits 1 to 3 eggs and incubates them for approximately 28 days.
Es una especie muy terrestre y vuela, con las alas extendidas, sobre las zonas donde busca sus presas.
It is a very terrestrial species and flies, with wings extended, over the areas where it searches for its prey.
Se alimenta de animales muertos ( por eso se ve con frequencia en las rutas) y esa costumbre hace que sea util para evitar la propagacion de infecciones.
It feeds on dead animals (which is why it is frequently seen on the routes) and that habit makes it useful to prevent the spread of infections.
It also consumes reptiles, crabs and worms.
Sudieta tambien incluye insectos que busca a traves de la vegetacion o huevos que estan en el piso en los nidos de las aves.
The diet of it may also include insects foraged through vegetation or eggs from ground-nesting birds.
Frecuentemente se acerca a cadaveres de animales domesticos y es cazado por el ser humano, que los acusa de matar ovejas.
It often approaches to corpses of domestic animals and is hunted by the humans, who acuses them of killing its sheep.
Se encuentra desde el sur del rio Amazonas hasta el sur de Argentina y Chile.
It is found from the south of the Amazon River to the south of Argentina and Chile.