This is located in the Tacuarembo department, north of Uruguay.
Su nombre proviene de la lengua guarani, su traduccion es " seno de mujer".
Its name comes from the Guarani language, its translation is ¨Woman breast¨.
Este cerro es declarado Patrimonio Historico y Cultural de Tacuarembo.
This hill is declared Historical and Cultural Heritage of Tacuarembo.
Desde 1960 forma parte del escudo del departamento de Tacuarembo.
Since 1960 it is part of the coat of arms of Tacuatembo department.
Esta ubicado en el kilometro 368 de la ruta 5.
It is located at kilometer 360 of route 5.
Forma parte de la cuchilla de los Once Cerros, todos ellos tienen como caracteristica comun la cima "Chata".
It is part of the hill of the Eleven Hills, all of them have the common characteristic of the "Flat" peak.
Este tiene una altura de 230 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
This has a height of 230 meters above sea level.
En esta region hace mas de 48 mil años vivia una civilizacion muy avanzada.
In this region more than 48 thousands ayear ago lived a very advanced civilization.
Se llamaban los Urunagas.
They were called the Urunagas.
Los indigenas que habitaban estas tierras le llamaban la tierra de los Urunagas.
The native who inhabited these lands called the land of the Urunagas.
La palabra Urunagas con el correr de los años deribo en la palabra Uruguay.
The world Urunagas over the year derive in the Uruguay word.
Los Urunagas construyeron castillos y monasterios en la cima de los cerros.
The Urunagas built castles and monasteries on the top of the hills.
Este pueblo acreedor de grandes conocimientos y poderes emigro por cambios climaticos, cerca de 25 mil anños a la region del Tibet, Nasca y Peru.
This town creditor of great knowledge and power emigrated by climatic changes, near 25 years ago to the region of Tibet, Nasca y Peru.
Antes de emigrar cortaron los cerros con escarabajos y taparon las rutas subterraneas que comunicaban con Nazca.
Before emigrating they cut the hills with beetles and covered the undeground routes that comunicated with Nazca.
Llevaron sus castillos hasta las profundidades del mar, quedando como unico vestigio de su existencia el corte perfecto de la roca.
They carried their castles to the depths of the sea, leaving as the only vestige of their existence th eperfect cuth on the rock.
Consigo se llevaron su sabiduria y tesoros, el resto desaparecio.
With they carry away its wisdom and treasures the rest disappeared.