Picaflor comun, Glittering-bellied Emerald, beija flor-besourinho.
Es una de las especies de picaflor mas comun del Uruguay.
It is one of the most common hummimgbird species in Uruguay.
Habita en parques, montes y jardines de todo el pais.
It lives in parks, forests and gardens throughout the country.
Son unas aves pequenas de aproximadamente 9 cm.
They are small birds of approximately 9 cm.
Su pico alcanza unos 2 cm y es de color rojo, con un apice negro.
Its beak reaches about 2 cm and is red, with a black apice.
El macho es de color verde brillante y su cola es azulada.
The male is bright green and its tail is bluish.
La hembra se distingue por su coloracion ventral beige.
The female is distinghuished by its biege ventral coloration.
Se alimenta de nectar y pequenos insectos.
It feeds on nectar and small insects.
Duerme con el pico para adelante, y la cabeza un poco elevada, en una posicion parecida a la que asume cuando canta o durante la lluvia.
It sleeps with his beak forwards, and his head slightly elevated, in a position similar to the one it assumes when sings or during the rain.
Thse hummingbirds are territorial and defend their territory of feeding from other hummingbirds and even others birds.
Frequentemente se posa en gajos finos para dormir.
Frequently sits on thiny branches to sleep.
Hace un nido muy pequeño de materiales vegetales y telas de arañas por fuera en forma de copa sobre arbustos o plantas.
It makes a very small nest of plant materials and spider webs on the outside in a cup shape on bushes or plants.
Estos ponen aproximadamente 2 huevos blancos.
These lay approximately 2 white eggs.
Despues de aproximadamente 15 dias de incubacion nacen los polluelos.
After about 15 days of incubation, the chicks are born.
La hembra construye el nido, incuba cria y protege a sus polluelos.
The female builds the nest, incubates and protects its chicken.
Los polluelos nacen con los ojos cerrados, recien aproximadamente a los 6 dias los abre.
The chicks are born with their eyes closed, they open the eyes approximately at 6 days.
Puede realizar hasta tres postura en una temporada.
It can make up to three posture in a season.
Solo la hembra proteje y alimenta a los polluelos con comida regurgitada casi siempre de insectos digeridos debido a que el nectar es una fuente insuficiente de proteinas para los polluelos en desarrollo.
The female alone protects and feeds the chicks with regurgitated food mostly partially-digested insects since nectar is an insufficient source of protein for the growing chicks.
Este tiene la necesidad de limpiarse frequentemente debido al constante contacto con el liquido de las flores.
It has the need to be cleaned frequently due to the constant contact with the liquid of the flowers.
Estos tambien habitan en Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil y Paraguay.
They also live in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.