Black-necked swan
Habita en lagunas, esteros, lagos y costas del Uruguay.
It lives in lagoons, estuaries, lakes and coasts of Uruguay.
Vive en lagunas y lagos de agua dulce o salobre.
Live in lagoons and lakes of fresh or brackish water.
Sus alas son blancas, como su cuerpo.
Its wings are white, like its body.
Su cabeza y su cuello son negros y el pico gris con carnicula roja.
Its head and neck are black and with gray beack with red carnicula.
Este cisne forma pareja de por vida y ambos cuidan sus crias.
This swan is a couple for life and both care for their young.
Si uno de ellos muere, el que sobrevive en la pareja se buscara otra.
If one of them should die, the surviving mate will find a new mate.
Swans are known to have triumph ceremonies, which occur when a male attacks a rival suitor, then returns to his potential mate to perform an elaborate courtship ceremony while posturing and calling. Both males and females rhythmically dip their heads into the water and then stretch their necks upwards while swimming around each other.
A pesas de su gran tamano, necesita una corta carrera en el agua para despegar y tambien para acuatizar.
In spite of its great size, it needs a short run in hte water to take off and also to aquatize.
En invierno migra hacia regiones tropicales y es frequente verlo en bandadas en el cielo, en formacion en "V".
In winter it migrates towards tropical regions and it is frequent to see in flocks in the sky, in "V" formation.
En ocasiones se lo ve con la cabeza y el cuello bajo el agua, con el cuerpo en la superficie, en busca de alimento.
Sometimes it is seen with the head and neck under water, with the body on the surface, in search of food.
Ambos sexos tienen el mismo aspecto, pero se diferencian por su tamano (el macho es mayor que la hembra y tiene una carnicula mas desarrollada).
Both sexes look the same, but differ in their size (the male is larger than the female and has more developed carnicula).
Son aves sociables, que pasan la mayor parte del tiempo en el agua y pueden formar colonias que agrupan a miles.
They are sociable birds, which spend most of their time in the water and can form colonies that thousands individuals.
Este pasa mas tiempo en el agua debido a que le es muy dificil caminar por el agua debido a la colocacion de sus patas que les permite nadar.
It spend most of its time in the water because walking on land is difficult due to the posterior placement of legs that aid in swimming.
Ellos son grandes voladores una vez que estan en el aira estos pueden cubrir largas distancias.
They are strong fliers once in the air these can cover long distances.
Estos pueden alcanzar una velocidad de hasta 50 millas por hora.
It can reach speeds of 50 miles per hour.
Construye el nido con vegetacion en los margenes de lagos y lagunas ( a veces puede ser un nido flotante).
Build the nest with vegetation in the margins of lakes and lagoons (sometimes it can be a floating nest).
The female lays between 3 and 7 eggs and incubates them for approximately 35 days.
Ellos se pueden aparear hasta tres veces en la estacion de apareamiento.
They can breed as many as three times during the mating season.
Los polluelos dejan el nido muy pronto, siguen a sus padres y son transportados por ellos en el dorso, para evitar que tomen contacto con aguas frias.
The chicks leave the nest very soon, follow their parents and are transported by them on its back, to avoid contact with cold waters.
Al finalizar la temporada de cria, antes de la migracion, el cisne de cuello negro muda sus plumas y se oculta entre la vegetacion, pues al no poder volar se encuentran vulnerables.
At the end of breedin season, before immigration the black-necked swan sheds its fathers and it hides in the vegetation, because thay can not fly because and then they are vulnerable.
Los machos pesan entre 4.5 kg a 6.7 kg.
The males weigh between 4.5 kg to 6.7 kg.
Las hembras pesan entre 3.5 kg a 4.5 kg.
The females weigh between 3.5 kg to 4,5 kg.
En la naturaleza su esperanza de vida es entre 10 y 20 anos, con un record de edad de 30 anos.
In the wild it is expected to live between 10 to 20 years, which a record age of 30 years.
El cisne de cuello negro se alimenta principalmente de vegetacion acuatica, preferentemente del fondo de la laguna.
Black-necked swan feed mainly on aquatic vegetation, most often from the bottom of ponds.
Este tambien se encuentra en Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.
It is also found in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.