1) En Uruguay se lo ve esporadicamente en el norte del pais.
In Uruguay it is seen sporadically in the north of the country.2) Este es el animal mas ruidoso del mundo segun el Libro de los Records Mundiales.
This is the noisiest animal in the world according to the Book World Guiness Records.
3) El mono aullador es el primate mas grande del continente americano.
The howler monkey is the largest primate in the Americas.
4) Este mono al igual que el ser humano, cuando camina se apoya sobre la palma de los pies.
5) Tanto machos como hembras presentan una barba abultada en la garganta pero es mas notoria en los machos.
Both males and females have a bulging beard in the throat but it is more noticeable in males.
6) Son los machos los que emiten fuertes aullido y son capaces de ser oidos a mas de 1,5 km de distancia.
It is the males that emit strong howls and are capable of being heard more than 1,5 km away.
7) Se los puede escuchar principalmente durante el amanecer y el atardecer, para advertir sobre algun peligro o simplemente para marcar su presencia ya que la espesura de la selva les impide el contacto visual entre los individuos del grupo.
They can be heard mainly during dawn and dusk, to warm of some danger or simply to mark their presence as the thickness of the forest prevents them from visual contact between the individuals of the group
8) Su cola le sirve como ancla a los bebes ya que cuando son transportados por su madre o otros adultos, el bebe enrosca su cola en la base de la cola de quien los transporta.
Its tail serves as an anchor for babies because when they are transportes by their mother or other adults, the baby twists its tail at the base of the tail of the transporter.
Durante los desplazamientos por lugares dificultosos la cola puede ser un puente para que las crias puedan pasar por sobre ellas de un lugar a otro.
During the journeys through difficult places the tail can be a bridge so that the young can passs over them from one place to another..
La cola tambien participa durante el apareamiento con caricias y abrazos de proteccion.
The tail also participates during mating with cuccling and protective hugs.
9) Los monos aulladores se alimentan de hojas, brotes y frutas.
Howler monkey feed on leaves, buds and fruits.
Las hojas requieren de un largo proceso de digestion es por ello que estos animales presentan una baja actividad durante el dia.
Leaves require along process of digestion, which is why these animals show low activity during day time.Es casi imposible encontrar individuos aislados.
Is almost imposible to find isolated individuals.
They select trees with the largest canopy, sleeping and sheltering in layers far from the ground, to avoid predators.
Se refugian acurrucandose entre varios individuos en posicion de "Pelota" y abrazandose por el cuello con sus colas.
They take refuge crouching among several individuals in the position "Ball" and hugging their necks with their tails.
Tratan de que la materia fecal no toque ninguna rama para evitar el contagio de parasitos entre los inidviduos del grupo.
They try that the fecal matter does not touch any branch to avoid the contagion of parasites among the unidentified of the group.
The male howler monkeys are polygamous, this means that they mate with several females during the rutting season.
Females can be mated with several males from its same group or from another neighboring group.
Al momento de la paricion las hembras se alejan del grupo unos 20 o 30 metros,para estar solas y no reciben ayuda.
At the time of calving females move away from the group by 20 or 30 meters, to be alone and do not receive help.
Cuando el bebe sale por completo, lo toma para cortar el cordon y sacar la bolsa.
When baby comes out completely, she take the baby to cut the cord and take out the pouch.
Enseguida la hembra come la bolsa y la placenta, un comportamiento esencial para no atraer posibles predadores.
Then female eats the pouch and the placenta, an essential behavior to avoid attracting possible predators.
The baby, during the first months, remains attached to the belly of its motehr to feed.
Para viajar, lo hace en la espalda de la hembra para observar en entorno y comenzar a alimentarse de las hojas de los alrededores.
To travel, the baby do it on female back to observe the environment and begin to feed on the surrounding leaves.
Al ano ya se desplaza por su cuenta.
At year the baby is moving in its own.
El mono aullador, de acuerdo a sus habitos alimentarios y del uso del espacio es un eficiente dispersor de las semillas de las plantas de las cuales se alimenta las cuales elimina a traves de su materia fecal.
Howling monkey, according to its alimentary habits and the use of space is an efficient disperser of the seeds of the plants from which it feeds it eliminates through its fecal matter.
Black howler, mono caraya negro y dorado, manechi, caraya negro, mono araguato.