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martes, 24 de agosto de 2021


Se ubica en el departamento de Soriano.
It is located in Soriano department.

Tiene un arenal de unos 13 kilometros de largo.
It has a sandy area of about 13 k long.
En esta playa el 19 de abril de 1825 desembarcaron los 33 Orientales, comandados por Lavalleja y Manuel Oribe con la intencion de expulsar al ejercito brasileño que ocupaba la Provincia Oriental, llamada por los brasileños Provincia Cisplatina.
On this beach on April 19, 1825 the 33 Orientals disembarked, commanded by Lavalleja and Manuel Oribe with the intention of expelling the Brazilian army that occupied the Oriental Province, called by the Brazilian Cispaltine province.
Una version del nombre dice que una hermosa mujer vivia en esa zona LA AGRACIADA.
One version of the name says that a beautiful womean lived in that area THE GRATEFUL.
Otra version dice que en la epoca colonial se faenaba ganado vacuno y le sacaban la grasa, y de ahi le quedo LA GRASEADA
Another version of the name says that in colonial times, cattle were slaughtered and the fat was removed, and thats where THE GREASE was left.
A toda esa zona se le llama el Arenal Grande y se debe a que alli esta el arroyo Arenal Grande que desemboca en el Rio Uruguay.
This entrie area is called the Arenal Grande (Big Sandy area) and it is because there is the Arenal Grande stream flows into Uruguay river-
A La desembocadura del arroyo Arenal Grande con el Rio Uruguay se la conocio por mucho tiempo como el lugar exacto adonde habian desembarcado los 33 Orientales.
The mouth of the Arenal Grande (Big sandy area) stream with the Uruguay river was known for a long time as the exact place where the 33 orientals has landed.
Hoy en dia en el lugar exacto hay una piramede conmemorativa que fue levantada en 1862.
Today in the exact place there is a commemorative pyramid that was raised in 1862.
La playa de la agraciada cuenta con un camping
The Graceful beach has a campsite.