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viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2021

LA jacana




Wattled jacana, jacana comun, gallito de laguna, gallito de agua.

En Uruguay es comun en todo el pais.

In Uruguay it is common throughout the country.

Habita bañados, lagunas, zonas inundables, tajamares y lagos artificiales.

It inhabits swamp, lagoons, flooded areas, cutwaters and artificial lakes.

Su caracteristica principal son sus patas con unos dedos y uñas larguisimos (De los mas largos entre las aves) que le permiten caminar sobre plantas flotantes sin hundirse.

Its main characteristic is its legs with very long fingers and nails (one of the among birds) that allow it to walk on floating plants without sinking.

Se alimentan principalmente de insectos y invertebrados.

It feed mainly on insects and invertebrates.

Ante una amenaza da gritos de alarma y levanta vuelo con las patas extendidas, de forma rapida y proxima al agua.

When faced with a threat, it shouts of alarm and takes off with its legs extended, quickly and close to the water.

La hembra es mas grande que el macho.

The female is larger than the male

La hembra en epoca de cria es territorial.

The female in breeding season is territorial.

La hembra se aparea con varios machos.

The females mates with several males.

En epoca de apareamiento el macho despliega sus alas mostrando sus colores para atraer a la hembra.

At malting season the male spreads its wings showing its colors to attract the female.

Les gusta estar en grupos.

It like to be in groups.

Es un ave acuatica.

It is an aquatic bird.

Su nido lo hace sobre la vegetacion flotante.

Its nest is made on floating vegetation.

La hembra pone de 3 a 4 huevos.

The female lays 3 to 4 eggs.

El macho se encarga de incubarlos y del cuidado de las crias recien nacidas.

The male is in charge of incubating and caring foe the newborns babies.

Los polluelos comienzan a caminar solas inmediatamente.

The chicks immediately begin to walk alone.

Se puede ver al macho caminando con sus crias en busca de alimentos.

The male can be seen walking with its young in search for food.

El nombre de esta especie jacana proviene del idioma indigena Tupi (Brasil)

The name of this jacana species come from the indigenous language Tupi (Brazil)

Estan miden aproximadamente 25 cm.

It is approximately 25 cm long.