1) Nandu (Avestruz) es una palabra de origen guarani que significa araña y guasu se traduce como grande.
Nandu (Rhea)) is a Guarani word that means arana and Guasu is translates as big.2) Llega a medir 1.50 metros de altura y pesa entre 20 y 30 kilos.
It grows to 1.50 meters tall and weighs between 20 to 30 kilograms.3) Su velociad es aproximadamente a unos 60 kilometros por hora.
Approximate speed is about 60 kph.
Approximate speed is about 60 kph.
4) No pueden volar
They can not fly.
They can not fly.
5) Sus alas no le permiten volar, sino que las usan para mantener equilibrio durante su carrera.
Their wings not allow them to fly, but use them to keep balance during his career.
Their wings not allow them to fly, but use them to keep balance during his career.
6) Logra saltar zanjas de hasta tres metros, agitando las alas para darse impulso.
It manages to jump ditches of three meters, flapping their wings to push off.
It manages to jump ditches of three meters, flapping their wings to push off.
7) Cruza rios o arroyos a nado.
Crossing rivers or streams by swimming.
Crossing rivers or streams by swimming.
8) En la epoca de mas calor acostumbra dormir durante el dia y muestra su mayor actividad al anochecer.
In the hot season usually sleep during the day and shows its greatest activity at dusk
In the hot season usually sleep during the day and shows its greatest activity at dusk
9) Tiene patas muy fuertes con 3 dedos.
Its has very strong legs with 3 fingers.10) Su sistema de reproduccion es bastante particular. Son las hembras que buscan a los machos para copular. Luego que ellas ponen los huevos, siguen su camino en busca de mas machos, mientras que el se ocupa de la incubacion y del cuidado de sus crias.
their reproduction system is quite particular. The females are whose looking for the males to copulate. and then after lay the eggs, they make their way looking for more males, while male delas with the incubation and care of their young.
11) El nido es construido por el macho.
The nest is built by the male.12) Generalmente los nidos contienen alrededor de 20 huevos.
Nests generally contain about 20 eggs.
Nests generally contain about 20 eggs.
13) Un huevo de avestruz equivale a unas dos docenas de huevos de gallina.
An ostrich egg is equals about of two dozen chicken eggs.
An ostrich egg is equals about of two dozen chicken eggs.
14) Abandona su nido en caso que le saquen un huevo o los hayan tocado.
Abandons its nest if you take out an egg or have touched.
15) Aunque suele ser un ave muy pacifica, se vuelve muy peligrosa cuando esta empollando.
Although is a very peaceful bird, it becomes very dangerous whrn is brooding.16) Habita en campo abierto, campos arbolados y praderas.
Lives in open fields, wooded areas and grasslands.
Lives in open fields, wooded areas and grasslands.
17) Come casi cualquier cosa: hierbas, insectos, semillas, frutos, bactracios, reptiles, mamiferos pequenos y hasta botones o caravanas.
Eat almost anything: herbs, insects, seeds, fruits, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and even buttons or caravans.18) Mata viboras pequenas y segun la gente del campo es una garantia contra las viboras venenosas.
Kill small snakes and to rural people is a guarantee agianst poisonous snakes
19) Pueden vivir mas de 40 anos.
They can live more than 40 years.
20) Para los indigenas sudamericanos sus huellas se veian en el cielo en lo que hoy se conoce como la Cruz del Sur.
To South American Indians their prints were seen in the sky in what is now known as the Southern Cross.