The First Lottery In Uruguay--La Primera Loteria en Uruguay
# Durante la dominacion Portuguesa, en el ano 1818, con el proposito de ayudar al Hospital de la Caridad, el jefe de las fuerzas invasoras, Gral. carlos Federico Lecor, resolvio que se efectuaran Loterias en el pais.
# During the Portuguese rule in 1818, with the objective consists helping the Charity Hospital, the head of the invading forces, General, carlos Federico Lecor ruled that lotteries were held in the country.
# El primer sorteo se realizo el 9 de Julio de 1819, en la Plaza Mayor frente a las puertas del Cabildo.
# The first drawing was held on July 9, 1919, in the Main Square in front of doors of Cabildo.
# Esos sorteos que se realizaron en los albores de la Loteria Uruguaya, se distribuia en premios la cantidad de 750 patacones, con un Premio Mayor de 200 patacones y un total de 48 suertes premiadas.
# These draws are made at the dawn of the Urugayan Lottery, the awards were distributed in the amount of 750 plantains, with a jackpot of 200 plantains, and a total of 48 lucky's awards.
# El precio de las cedulas, como asi se denominaban en esa epoca los documentos que permitian participar en los sorteos, era de un "real" la participacion en la que se dividia el entero que constituian los 8 millares que se emitian.
#The price of a I.D, as well documents allowed to participate in the draws were called, it was a"real" for each participation in which the entire was divided wich constituted 8 who were divided for 8 mile.#
La loteria se comercializaba en la via publica por intermedio de vendedores ambulantes, que respondian al nombre, que hasta hoy perdura, de Loteros.
# The Lotto was sold on public roads through street vendors, they are responding to the name, which lasts until today,of Lotteries.
# La fecha de los sorteos se fijaba una vez que se agotaba la totalidad de la emision lanzada a circulacion y ellos se realizaban en acto publico en la puerta del Hospital de Caridad.
# The date of the draw was fixed once thrown into circulation the emission was exausted, and they were made publicity in the gates of Charity Hospital.
# En esos sorteos habia un Juez y un Escribano.# In this raffle was a Judge and a Clerk.
# El 12 de Julio de 1856 nacio la Direccion Nacional de Loterias y Quinielas y el decreto de ley 510, declara que las loterias publicas son pertenencias exclusiva del Hospital de la Caridad.# The Jully 12, 1856 was born the Direction of Lottery and pools and The decree of law 510, it states that public lotteries are exclusive belongings to Charity Hospital.
# El 15 de Octubre de 1882 iniciaron su funcionamiento los tradicionales globos.
# The October 15, 1882 began their operation the traditional ballons.