Gray-cowled Wood Rail, Cotara chiricote, rascon de cuello gris, papone
Esta habita en vegetacion ribereña y a orillas de arroyos de todo el Uruguay, incluso en la ciudades.
It lives in riverside vegetation and on the banks of streams throughout Uruguay, even in cities.
Es un ave muy timida
It is a very shy bird.
Por lo general se la ve sola o en pareja,
It is usually seen alone or in a couple.
Es parcialmente nocturna.
It is partially nocturnal.
Tiene un grito muy caracteristico.
It has a very characteristic cry.
Estas no tienen diformismo.
These do not have diformism.
Estos miden aproximadamente 38 cm.
These measure approximately 38 cm.
Su alimentacion es omnivora.
Its food is omnivorous.
La hembra pone de 3 a 7 huevos.
Female lays between 3 to 7 eggs.
Esta anida en lugares altos de arbustos o enredaderas.
It nests in high places in bushes or vines.